Meet Hamish
We would like to introduce you to Hamish, our new interim school therapy dog. Hamish is an 18 month old Cavapoo who will live with me but he will be spending lots of time in school interacting with pupils.
Hamish is an experienced school therapy dog and has been working at Bramley Park Academy with children since been a puppy.
Studies have shown there are numerous benefits to having a school pet, the presence of a therapy dog can improve the well-being of children and lower anxiety levels, simply by making the environment happier and more enjoyable. Reading to dogs has been proven to help children develop literacy skills and build confidence, as a dog will listen to children read without being judgemental or critical.
I know some of you will be concerned about possible allergic reactions to a school dog, although Hamish is part poodle and is known to be low shedding, we have taken into account children who have disclosed to us an allergy to dogs and children will only work with a him if they voluntarily wish to. Please inform the school if you do not wish your child to interact with Hamish.
A full risk assessment has taken place and the policy regarding school dogs is available to view on our school website. As a school we still adhere to our rule of no dogs on the school site and ask that you do not enter the school grounds with family pets
Hamish can’t wait to meet you all, I’m sure you’re as excited as we are to watch him grow and develop.